A care home in Liverpool has been ordered to pay a fine for a range of fire safety offences that put staff and residents at risk of serious injury or death.
Liverpool Magistrates Court found the home guilty of five breaches of The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005, after an inspection in April 2018.
This is a care home with approximately 70 residents, some suffering dementia and needing significant support.
Several inspections of this care home have been conducted since 2011 and it was clear the care home was aware of their duties under the fire safety order.
The inspection in 2018 found the care home had failed to provide appropriate fire detectors and alarms and had failed to maintain satisfactory fire separation in the cupboard ceilings, corridor walls and ground floor store room.
The fire door was noted as inadequate, missing the appropriate safety strips and seals (https://www.thealarmhub.com/blog/5-step-fire-door-check) and combustible material had not been removed.
It was suggested that a fire could have spread very quickly due to insufficient means of raising an alarm, of preventing the spread of smoke and fire and of evacuating residents in need of significant help.
Those in charge were also accused of failing to ensure the premises were subject to a suitable system of maintenance.
Original Source Liverpool Echo (provided by FIA)